How to Charge Electric Scooters and Other Tips
If you know that you need help getting around, an electric scooter is the best choice. You’ve worked hard to find the right one and have practiced riding it, but the battery won’t last forever.
You need to know how to charge electric scooters so that you can continue using it. We will discuss various ways to charge an electric scooter. Plus, you will learn how to monitor battery life and get helpful tips.
How to Charge Electric Scooters
Almost every electric scooter is quite easy to charge, but the method used can vary based on the brand and model. Also, many manufacturers don’t make it clear in the instructions, so you’re confused and worried about doing things incorrectly.
Hence, we will talk about the basic steps you’ll take to charge your battery. It will depend on the type of scooter you have. For example, some models feature built-in batteries, while others require you to remove them first.
Built-in Batteries
If your electric scooter has the right options, you will just need to plug the included charger into the scooter itself. To do this, you will:
1. Locate Your Charging Terminal and Plugin Your Charger
Generally, the scooter will have a charging port located at the base of the scooter, sometimes toward the back wheels. Once you’ve found it, you will plug the charger in firmly so that it connects. Make sure that you are using the right charger because plugs and voltage can vary between manufacturers and brands.
2. Plug It Into the Wall Outlet
Once you have the charger end securely plugged into the terminal of the scooter, you can plug it into the power source. This is often a wall outlet. Most newer chargers have an indicator light to show you that it is on and charging and how much it has charged.
3. Unplug Your Charger When It’s Charged
Once the scooter is fully charged, you will first unplug your charger from the outlet. Then, you can unplug it from the scooter. Don’t leave your charger plugged into the machine for too long because it could cause damage.
Usually, you can check the LED indicator light. Red means the battery is dead or very low, and yellow indicates that it will need to be charged. A green light means the battery is completely charged.
Removable Batteries
Almost all newer electric scooter models use removable batteries because they are easier to charge. For example, some people find it hard to bend over to plug the charger into the machine. To charge a scooter with removable batteries, you will:
1. Locate the Batteries and Remove the Panel With a Screwdriver
In most cases, the battery bay will be under or in the scooter’s bed and will be covered by a protective panel. You’ll need to remove the screws from the panel with a screwdriver. Once it is removed, you can then get to the battery bay and remove the battery.
Please note that some removable batteries are attached to cables with plastic connectors. You can remove them by clicking them so that they slide out. Then, the entire battery will come out.
2. Detach the Battery Wires Screwed Onto the Terminals
Some large scooters use battery cables attached to the terminal using nuts. You’ll need a screwdriver or wrench to loosen them. Make sure you start with the red one first.
When they’re all loose, and all of the nuts have been removed, you can lift out the battery. Make sure that the scooter is shut off before touching the battery cables. Also, it’s best to avoid touching the metal parts of the cable with your hands.
3. Plug the Plastic Cables Into the Right Slots
Many scooters have battery terminals covered with plastic connectors. Therefore, you just have to plug them into the charger until they click into place. Sometimes, there will be one plastic terminal housing both wires, or you might have two cables with two ends.
If there are two cable ends, plug your red cable into the positive terminal on the charger with the black cable in the negative terminal. Please don’t try and force it to fit, as your plastic connectors could break.
4. Connect the Two-Pronged Charger to the Exposed Wires of the Battery Cables
With a two-pronged charger, you’ll have two cables that end in metal posts, ports, or clamps. They’re designed to make the electrical current and connection for the exposed battery wires.
Make sure that the red cable of the battery is attached to the red charger cable. The black battery cable will then be connected to the black cable on the charger. Make sure the connection is secure, and there is nothing in between the connection points.
5. Plug Your Charger Into the Outlet
Your electric scooter’s charger has a plug on one end that goes into the wall outlet. Plug it in, making sure that nothing is damaged, dirty, or wet. Also, check the charger to ensure that it is the right voltage for your battery.
In most cases, the manufacturer will supply the right charger to avoid confusion. If that is the case, make sure that you always use that charger.
6. Unplug the Charger
Once the battery is fully charged again, you should unplug it from the outlet. Now, you will reverse the steps to reinstall the battery into the electric scooter.
Often, you can tell how charged the battery is by the LED indicator light. Once the light is green, it’s fully charged.

How to Monitor the Charging Process
It is quite easy to get busy and forget about your scooter charging. Most models feature an LED indicator light with multiple colors. Red indicates that there is little to no power, while yellow means that there is some juice left.
We recommend that you watch the indicator light periodically to make sure that the battery is charging correctly. Once it shows green, unhook it immediately to avoid overcharging the battery.
You may be wondering how long it will take to charge the battery of your electric scooter. The average charge times range from about three to six hours. However, some models do require longer charge times of 12 hours or more.
Tips for Making the Battery Last Longer
Batteries are well-known for lasting a long time. However, they won’t last forever. It’s a good idea to follow these tips to ensure that it works properly for many years to come:
1. Check the Charging Light While It Is Plugged In
When your scooter has been plugged in and is securely in the wall outlet or the battery is charged, an indicator light comes on. This shows you that your scooter is charging. The color of the light may vary or might flash, but this is normal.
It could take between three and 12 hours for a full charge. This depends on how dead the battery was and the type of scooter you buy. To be sure, check your owner’s manual to see how long it should take.
2. Get a Full Charge Each Time
Most people end up partially charging their scooters because they want to use it again. While it won’t hurt to do that every once in a while, it shouldn’t be a normal routine. Batteries tend to remember how long they get charged with time.
Thus, they may start functioning incorrectly or use more power. This happens because the battery knows that it will be charged at a specific level of life. It also remembers that it will only get charged to a certain degree.
Make sure that you always fully charge your battery, even if it is still in the yellow phase. Also, consider waiting until the red indicator light comes on, but before the battery is completely dead.
3. Charge Your Battery Before It Completely Dies
Many modern scooters use an LED light to tell you how much life is left in the battery. Green lights indicate a full charge, while yellow or orange means a partial charge. Red lights indicate that you should charge the battery immediately.
It’s best not to wait until the scooter is completely drained of power before recharging. Doing so will lessen the lifespan of your battery.
A yellow or orange indicator light means that you should think about charging your battery soon, but you do not have to do so immediately. Keep in mind that your particular scooter may have different colors for the indications. Check your owner’s manual to ensure that you’re reading the indicator lights correctly.
4. Plug It Into Charge After Each Ride
Some batteries require that you completely drain them before you recharge, but that’s often not the case for electric scooter batteries. In fact, many times, it is best to charge them after every ride you take.
This ensures that the chemicals inside the battery continue to work correctly. If you tend to use the electric scooter every day, you should charge it each day when you’re done using it.
Those who only use their scooter periodically should charge it after they ride it. Then, when you use it again, check battery levels to ensure that it has enough of a charge left.
5. If You’re Storing the Scooter, Plan to Charge It Monthly
Sometimes, you may want to store the scooter, such as in a garage. You might do this during winter when you won’t need it. It’s still important to maintain the battery, even if you’re not going to use it for a few months.
When that happens, you should make sure that the battery has a full charge before storing it. Then, fully charge the battery each month to help it keep its lifespan and ensure that it works correctly when you want to ride it again.
Usually, the owner’s manual can tell you how long the battery should last if it isn’t being used. Plus, it will indicate how far the scooter can be ridden before the battery dies.
6. Invest in a Voltmeter to Check Voltage
Older models might not come with the LED indicator light, so you won’t know if it is charged or charging. Sometimes, the battery might seem like it’s not holding or accepting the charge. If this happens, consider using a voltmeter.
It will help you find out if your electric scooter is charging. If not, you may have a defective or damaged battery, or the plug on the charger might be damaged.
Make sure that you touch the black lead to the negative part of the battery with the red lead on the positive end. Your battery should be on and plugged in while you’re testing it. Also, make sure that the voltmeter has the same voltage requirements as the battery.
Using the Wrong Charger
If you’re like most people, you want the scooter to charge quickly so that you can use it again sooner. Therefore, you might consider using a higher amp charger than what came with your scooter. Usually, these fast-rate chargers have up to six amps of power output and can recharge the battery in just two hours.
The use of such a charger, though, can significantly and negatively affect your battery’s lifespan. Sometimes, it will affect your scooter’s runtime, as well.
To preserve your scooter’s battery life, it’s best to use slow-rate chargers. If you do use the scooter more than once a battery cycle each day, consider a lower-powered charger and consider charging it at night.
It’s also never a good idea to use an automatic or motorcycle charger for your SLA batteries. They’re designed for wet-cell batteries. As such, these chargers could permanently damage the equipment, and the battery might overheat or overcharge.
When it comes to owning an electric scooter, you probably think about the fun you’ll have. Proper care is essential, which means learning how to charge electric scooter. We’ve talked extensively about the various ways to charge your machine so that it is ready to go for the next ride.
Of course, we also talk about tips for charging the scooter and certain things to avoid. That way, you’ve got all of the information you need to do things correctly. Just make sure that you read the owner’s manual for your scooter, as well as this helpful information.