An Electric Scooter Community on a Mission to Stamp out Transportation Mediocrity.

Brains of the e-scooter. Topics covering controllers, throttles, etc in this section.
By darekch25
Hello everybody.
Sorry in case of spelling mistakes the text translated by google.

1) I need your help in identifying this controller.

2) Reprogrammer and remove the speed block set to 20 km/h if possible ???



Processor soldered on the board is

The marking on the controller board:

And on the back a sticker with the markings:
LR20200707-CD-24V-6.5IN 0618

In addition, the controller is powered from 24V, but there is a free space on the board (for connection) with the description 36V
1) Does that mean I can use a 36V battery instead of the original 24V to power the controller ???


The scooter is Denver
model: SEL-65220 Black
Battery 24v motor 300W


Thank you in advance for your help
By M365GUY
Not familiar with that controller but other controllers are able to change the voltage by soldering the bridge between the two points. Can't say for certain that you're controller will work but I would be ok trying it if it was me. It should change the LVC to around 30 volts and allow you to use a 36v pack. The speed limit is normally set in the display settings. You should be able to disable it with that.
By darekch25
M365GUY wrote:
Wed Oct 06, 2021 5:28 am
Not familiar with that controller but other controllers are able to change the voltage by soldering the bridge between the two points. Can't say for certain that you're controller will work but I would be ok trying it if it was me. It should change the LVC to around 30 volts and allow you to use a 36v pack. The speed limit is normally set in the display settings. You should be able to disable it with that.

Yes, I have several options on the display, but they are fixed (set to one position and I cannot change it)
By M365GUY
If it's set in the display and you can't change it that means it's in the firmware and you can't do much unless you have the programming language used at the factory that made it.
There are literally thousands of different controllers running different firmware.

Contact the seller and see what they say. You will probably just need to get a different controller if you want to go faster.
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