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Hi there

Here's an interesting Lime scooter hack

When we were disassembling the GPS module LBCAT-S we found out a few interesting things, like that it runs Android, has BLE, GPS and 4G, and a SIM card

I searched the SIM card by ICCID (serial number) and found out that the SIM has been issued by T-Mobile USA as the virtual operator for Twilio

This operator is IoT and it's perfect for Lime but it has some security holes

After months i activated one of the SIMs that i have and ............ It works and it's not blocked
The SIM has no PIN
The SIM is Active and it Roams in more than 180 countries ... -operators
The SIM has active data, just setup a nAPN to and you will be connected to the Internet

I haven't tried calling or sending texts/SMS, but the internet is fine and works if you need it :D

But be aware of using it for private things
Operator and/or customer and/or police can see everything about you like your device SN, ID, Type, Location, your communications (base network communication like handling and states of terminal) and they can read every data you send that is not secured, including info you send and receive like DNS and HTTP communication

Question is...why are they not blocking SIMs if know their scooters are offline for a longtime. Why are they not blocking the SIMs if they know that the SIM is being used for something else, and the company is paying for the usage
@Mind Train

Wait, are you claiming we can take a SIM out of a Lime scooter plug it into a smartphone and get internet access for free?

It’s beyond me why Line wouldn’t block this. Especially since your claiming by the cards are pay per use. If this issue exists with Lime I’d bet Bird had the same issue. If someone has it out for these scooter companies they could rack up a huge cell phone bill for them to pay.
By geemanaz
Bird sim cards are on Verizon Network with unlimited corporate data plan of 5000 + simcards so hard to keep in track . There a guy on a another forum post about it and he been useding it in a version hotpot LTE device past 6 month's with VPN so no database tracking
By technine
I put a Bird Verizon SIM in an iPad. It worked for about 2 days and then stopped working so they may have a way to shut them off now. I'm interested to see how the hotspot works out for you.
By Colburn
humanbeing21 wrote:
Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:25 pm
Thanks for the encouragement @geemanaz ! :lol:

I pulled the trigger on a cheap Verizon hotspot to test how difficult this will be. Going to use the SIM from the impounded scooter I bought.

Here's is the hot spot I bought on eBay.


Super interested! Let me know if this works!
By Mind Train
rmnhsd wrote:
Fri Feb 08, 2019 6:28 pm
Tried the same thing with both types of sim, no-go on an older iphone. Just says "no network"
I had this problem in iPhone only by bad signal of roaming providers, try to enable only LTE or search manually for network
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