An Electric Scooter Community on a Mission to Stamp out Transportation Mediocrity.

Covers electric scooter models whether shared or for consumers.
By TheT
Already happened.
I went to the warehouse to look through the stuff before the auction, and found hardware that would convert about 130 bikes back to normal Urban 2s (full handle bars with all controls and the IC Cards tied to them, and the hinge that allows you to fold it, although missing the quick-connect so you have to use a screwdriver to release it... All brand new from the factory). I wasn't the only one that noticed as the two lots that had these handlebars where the most active of all the 'piles of parts' lots. The winners also picked up a lot of about 100-150 bikes each (for $2 per bike!).
Almost all the Wheels bikes sold for $2 or less except for a couple of small lots (like 36 bikes or 8 bikes).
But a little over 800 of them didn't sell at all since you had to buy them in lots of 146 (even with an opening bid of $1 per bike)... But all the new handlebars, batteries and power supplies (and the other spare hardware) all sold, so I don't think there's any easy way to convert the remaining bikes... Unless iWalk will help...

Here's the auction: ... eL3g%3d%3d

Start on page 2 at the bottom for the Wheels bike lots, that's where most of them are... Lot 122 and 155 are the lots that had the handles... Still sold cheap... $200 for 100 bikes, and $228 for 84 new handlebars still ain't bad if you can convert them by swapping the handlebars and selling them for even $100 each... (Lot 155 had somewhere between 14 and 56 handlebars, I couldn't get to the whole pallet to confirm what was there... But still, that lot sold for only $16.
(Not counting a 13% premium and sales tax, but still cheap if you can make them work... Hell, even if you can't you could probably still some of the bike as-is for $50-100 on Craigslist or something.)

I'm thinking keep an eye on CL and OfferUp, maybe some of these will start popping up forsale if anyone still wants one. It is a nice ebike design
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