An Electric Scooter Community on a Mission to Stamp out Transportation Mediocrity.

Discuss the Segway Ninebot ES and Ninebot Max Kick Scooter in this Forum. Topics include the Segway-Ninebot app, hardware, street riding, etc.
scooter graveyarder wrote:
Sun Nov 13, 2022 9:01 am
admin wrote:
Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:04 am
I don't understand why the 2 links don't work

I shared via a google drive it should work ... _0Qbk/edit

let me know if the link works
anonfiles link works fine for me no problem, thanks for sharing!
i have tried this method and it connects to the scooter and displays various info
DRV 0.1.4
BMS 6.4.0
BLE 0.1.5
it will enter iap mode says its flashing with successfully but does not change ver
ive tried with iot connected and disconnected and tried heartbeat and unlock but
no change flashing drv and ble just say entering iap made and time out after short while
this seems like it it is locked somehow if i plug ninebot max dash in place of the max plus dash
it shows error10 and nothing seems to make any difference the ver snsc 2.3.3 drv has no st link pins
like previous any help appreciated
maxpower wrote:
Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:18 pm
scooter graveyarder wrote:
Sun Nov 13, 2022 9:01 am
admin wrote:
Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:04 am
I don't understand why the 2 links don't work

I shared via a google drive it should work ... _0Qbk/edit

let me know if the link works
anonfiles link works fine for me no problem, thanks for sharing!
i have tried this method and it connects to the scooter and displays various info
DRV 0.1.4
BMS 6.4.0
BLE 0.1.5
it will enter iap mode says its flashing with successfully but does not change ver
ive tried with iot connected and disconnected and tried heartbeat and unlock but
no change flashing drv and ble just say entering iap made and time out after short while
this seems like it it is locked somehow if i plug ninebot max dash in place of the max plus dash
it shows error10 and nothing seems to make any difference the ver snsc 2.3.3 drv has no st link pins
like previous any help appreciated
it could be your uart adapter or bad wiring of your uart adapter because normally your drv and ble version shouldn't show up that way. And from what I understand from the tutorial you have to go directly to the command tab without flashing and click on unlock.

ok so what your saying is becouse i didnt check heartbeat and unlock at first it has
made the esc drv or ble go into some type of locked state wich is why its not working
or could it be that this is the latest ver with no st link pins on the esc and a newer type iot
and ble is much bigger. i notice a post here from someone saying they have done older and
a few the newer ones via bluetooth and they say about bikes too but no further info
thanks in advance for thoughts
Maczilla wrote:
Thu Aug 13, 2020 3:05 pm
Flashing mine this weekend, Will let you guys know how it went.


I flashed Bms via gps cable with iap Ninebot and esc to 1.2.6 with STLink and scooter can now drive.

Testing a fix for battery hatch lock :)
Google or pm me for more information.
Hi, do you have anywhere I can contact you?
maxpower wrote:
Fri Nov 18, 2022 9:18 pm
scooter graveyarder wrote:
Sun Nov 13, 2022 9:01 am
admin wrote:
Tue Nov 08, 2022 2:04 am
I don't understand why the 2 links don't work

I shared via a google drive it should work ... _0Qbk/edit

let me know if the link works
anonfiles link works fine for me no problem, thanks for sharing!
i have tried this method and it connects to the scooter and displays various info
DRV 0.1.4
BMS 6.4.0
BLE 0.1.5
it will enter iap mode says its flashing with successfully but does not change ver
ive tried with iot connected and disconnected and tried heartbeat and unlock but
no change flashing drv and ble just say entering iap made and time out after short while
this seems like it it is locked somehow if i plug ninebot max dash in place of the max plus dash
it shows error10 and nothing seems to make any difference the ver snsc 2.3.3 drv has no st link pins
like previous any help appreciated
IAP won't work at all unless you have a first gen 2.3 scooter with a 551wh battery. And if you are in this case, it will only be useful to flash the bms. You'll still be required to use st link for the rest. Do you have a photo of the motherboard ? IK that some versions can be flashed easily, but for other ones I don't know the pinout.
TrashMan wrote:
Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:59 am
I just made some new pictures of the controller taken from a Ninebot SNSC 2.3 (VOI) after I picket out all the "jelly".
Might prove interesting for someone.

I was able to unlock the scooter with a secound IoT box, when I took the IoT box off the scooter (after unlocking it), the scooter locks again in a few seconds.

If I unlock the scooter with the secound IoT box and then change the "active" IoT box quickly to a "deactivated" IoT box (I only took out the SIM-Card and the antennas), the scooter keeps activated with that "unused-timeout".

Obviously there is some kind of communication between the controller and the IoT-Box after unlocking the scooter.

Somewhere I read of a solution for an ES2 (I think), wich requires a Arduino Nano Board and a simple line of Code on it, maybe its working with the SNSC 2.3 in the same way. I will try this during the next weeks.






HI @Trashman, How did you remove the gelatin so well?
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