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Discuss the Xiaomi mijia mi M365 original and pro versions in this forum. Topics include hardware, software, hacking, riding, and everything in between.

I bought I used Mi Scooter Pro. The power button was flakey and it turned out water has leaked in and the dash board became unusable. I board the same board (MO-2ble1-v2.22). Mine had a flat 4 fin connector and the new had a round 4 pin. But I changed the connector and it seem to power on correctly with the new board now. However the the brake light is flashing with 1-2 sec intervals. The dashboard lights up and shows no other error. THrottle, button etc does not do anything.

I am new to scooters but I guess it may be a firmware issue?

I can connect with bluetooth to different apps (Android) but I have not been able to flash or may not have tried doing it correct yet.

Any advice or link to other posts would be highly helpful. Thx
I found a solution.

I ended up swaaping first the LCD chip from the original board to the new board. It did not change anything.

Then I ended up swaping the bluetooth chip, and that made everything work.

I am not skilled or anything. But i do have a heatgun, flux and a pair of tweezer.

Apprantly there is a type A and type B board. I board the wrong one it sees, but it is working now after the chip swapping :)
If you have flat connector, you dont have xiaomi scooter, but some of clone, wich is the reason why it dont work anymore with xiaomi dash.

When I connect clone dash to xiao, it makes the same as you describe. Turn on, no error but no acceleration.

So maybye takw a look at your main ESC board next to the battery and check if it is original xiaomi or something else..
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