An Electric Scooter Community on a Mission to Stamp out Transportation Mediocrity.

Store the power! Electric scooter battery and charging discussions go here.
sunny wrote:
Sun Sep 29, 2024 5:19 pm
Seems like these guys have figured out the CAN Bus protocols

There's also a topic on this forum
viewtopic.php?f=69&t=30307&p=58313&hili ... chy#p58313

Hope that helps.
For charging there is no need to short any cables . As soon as the battery hits below 70% it should automatically change via main red and black .
Dont do that. Theres seperate charging wires. The battery will only charge to 70% this way. This protection is there to avoid regen braking on a full battery. Just dont. That video is full of misinformation, by the way.

If you connect together the two mentioned pins, you can draw quite a bit of power but only for a short period of time. If you want to draw actual power, you need to figure out the CAN commands.
Hello, what you are doing now is just a BMS bypass, this happens a lot and can work well, but the lifespan of your battery deteriorates very quickly and it is dangerous especially when charging because of the heat and lack of security.

These BMS are specially made for Tier and 'flashing'' so installing other filmware may be possible, but it is not available yet, same as with Lime 4 batteries. As long as there is no suitable BMS wake-up Canbus module for this battery, it will simply never work.

The very best and safest solution so far is to simply replace the complete BMS. With a bit of luck you can use the original connecting wires, which saves some soldering. You can buy a BMS for a few dollars.

What do you need to know for this ... number of volts, how many batteries in series (10s, 12s, etc.) and desired power (18A is more than enough) and it is important that the charging and discharging cables are together or separated (split connection).
Charging with a suitable charger is always possible even when the battery is in sleep mode.

Below is the link with some information about canbus wake-up, but replacing the BMS is the best solution and any fool who says he can activate it must share this information quickly otherwise it's just bullshit. And if you can't solder and don't know anything about it, you should just stay away from it and ask for a toy scooter for Christmas.

Jevako030 wrote:
Fri Oct 04, 2024 11:18 am
Below is the link with some information about canbus wake-up, but replacing the BMS is the best solution and any fool who says he can activate it must share this information quickly otherwise it's just bullshit.
I had a hard long laugh at this statement, how entitled do you have to be? do the work yourself. It's possible and solutions exist.

Waste of oxygen honestly.
PurpleO wrote:
Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:59 am
Jevako030 wrote:
Fri Oct 04, 2024 11:18 am
Below is the link with some information about canbus wake-up, but replacing the BMS is the best solution and any fool who says he can activate it must share this information quickly otherwise it's just bullshit.
I had a hard long laugh at this statement, how entitled do you have to be? do the work yourself. It's possible and solutions exist.

Waste of oxygen honestly.
Well that's great that it's your job. Come up with that solution?
Jevako030 wrote:
Mon Nov 04, 2024 12:05 am
PurpleO wrote:
Mon Oct 07, 2024 12:59 am
Jevako030 wrote:
Fri Oct 04, 2024 11:18 am
Below is the link with some information about canbus wake-up, but replacing the BMS is the best solution and any fool who says he can activate it must share this information quickly otherwise it's just bullshit.
I had a hard long laugh at this statement, how entitled do you have to be? do the work yourself. It's possible and solutions exist.

Waste of oxygen honestly.
Well that's great that it's your job. Come up with that solution?
Try talking sense buddy, I cant understand wtf you're saying :)
long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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