An Electric Scooter Community on a Mission to Stamp out Transportation Mediocrity.

Changing mobility one trip at a time.
Ohai fellow scooterfriends!

We had some nice discussions here in the past about OKAI and ES400 based scooters.
Shout outs to RickSanchez ;)

Apparently some hackers disassembled those scooters and put all their research into a handpuppet performance that was shown at a hackercamp last summer.
I found a recording here:

I can absolutely recommend watching it, its hilarious. :D

So it turns out the hackers found a lot of information on the CANbus and built a custom tool for reverse engineering.
The tool is called CANarchy and it is available as a kit on some DIY electronic market places.

I heard there was an file making its rounds on the internet that one can just drag-n-drop to the assembled canarchy board.
This enables the board to eject the battery on the scooter, enable the scooter to drive around and remove the speed limit on the motor controller.

While I did not try this myself, it sure looks like a cool tool for reverse engineering all things CANbus.

I heard people are using those batteries to save the solarpower they harvest on their balcony.
I love that idea.
Also someone built a wind-turbine from a scooter to charge those batteries!
What a crazy awesome idea!

I sure don't want to tell anyone to go out and commit theft, but maybe you can find one of those batteries on ebay or your city bans the scooters and you find some leftovers that are not used anymore and are to be considered e-waste.

But please be careful!
Besides all the legal aspects, those batteries are very dangerous if handled inappropriate.
I can not recommend disassembling them, this is far too dangerous.
But if i understood this right the canarchy can enable the batteries to be able to charge and discharge at the full rate using the onboard BMS inside those batteries.
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