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Changing mobility one trip at a time.
Hello basti256 es mr spring1 could you contact me via my email address I also have a fleet of 250 bird zero vehicle bird one bird two buy legally I am a former bird supplier I am trying to restart them the arduino technique only works for 2min on the b0 I would like to know how to recover unlocking lock codes I have piece bird es dun iot gps zk102map in factory condition not locked so works well without sim card over any distance I also have es100 controllers not locked we can work together I would like recover the codes of the zk102map to reprogram the other iot zk102map in the stm32f411 because I know that reading is locked I managed to erase the original stm32f411 from an iot locked I just have to swap the iot program that works my I prefer help because these the only unlocked iot that I don't want to damage

here is my address if someone these commands recover the signals are help with the connection
Bonjour pas possible sans la carte sim les seul qui fonctionnent sans carte sim son seu que on doit comander auprès de bird mes pour cela il faut travailler avec eux es donc posseder une flotte de ces véhicules come je le fesai avant à moin de reussir a récupérer le firmware de iot version non bloquer qui fonctionne sans carte sim pour reprogrammer dautre iot rien à faire d'autre pour iot

Pour ceux que cela intéresse voilà le nouveaux code que iot envoie au bird zero patche
0XA6 0X12 0X02 0X05 0X01 0X7E

J'essaye de re configurer les 3model de iot depuis 3mois
Model bird zero
Model bird one
Model bird two
Kamel76 wrote:
Sat Dec 31, 2022 5:33 am
Bonjour pas possible sans la carte sim les seul qui fonctionnent sans carte sim son seu que on doit comander auprès de bird mes pour cela il faut travailler avec eux es donc posseder une flotte de ces véhicules come je le fesai avant à moin de reussir a récupérer le firmware de iot version non bloquer qui fonctionne sans carte sim pour reprogrammer dautre iot rien à faire d'autre pour iot

Pour ceux que cela intéresse voilà le nouveaux code que iot envoie au bird zero patche
0XA6 0X12 0X02 0X05 0X01 0X7E

J'essaye de re configurer les 3model de iot depuis 3mois
Model bird zero
Model bird one
Model bird two
Si escribierais en Ingles tal vez os pueda ayudar.
Hello not possible without the sim card the only ones that work without a sim card its only that we have to order from bird mes for that we have to work with them so we have a fleet of these vehicles as I did before unless we succeed in recovering the firmware of

iot non-block version that works without a sim card to reprogram other iot nothing else to do for

re configure the 3models of iot for 3 months
zero bird model
bird model one
Bird pattern two

attention the code that I provided is wrong I have just noticed that the new code for the bird zero patches it is very sorry I will post the new code during the day I am in the process of teaser disappointed to do some tests or even if the new code is successful in an arduino nano
Jaurai besoing d'aide pour récupéré le bon code dans les bird zero car je m'y perd mal la je peut fournir un pc avec accès à distance Un analyser logique es également un iot qui fonctionne sans carte es non verrouiller es j'ai également controleur non patcher pour ma flotte de véhicules. Qan je conect iot non verrouiller sur des bird patche ou non patche il fonctionne pour toute les deux

Mes coordonnées
basti256 wrote:
Sun Dec 01, 2019 7:45 am
lipoly wrote:
Sat Nov 30, 2019 1:05 pm
hello I did a few test today with the ES200G and ES100D both did not work :( :(
Thanks for your infos, and it's very sad that it will not work so far for you...
I think there are different esc modules in the field....
Are you sure your scooter is an es-200g? Because your are from germany and they replaced it with an new generation a few weeks ago... it's calles es-400g. I ihave no clue if they are still using the same unlock command.

But the most important: Grüße auch aus Deutschland :D

Maybe you can make an picture of your esc and post it?

Generally it would help if you would always post your esc number whenever it works/doesn't work.

I received my NFC Modules yesterday and will start working with them the next week. I think on friday you will hear the next thing from me. ;)
do you come from Germany?
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