An Electric Scooter Community on a Mission to Stamp out Transportation Mediocrity.

Fly with the flock
By Mome
stancecoke wrote:[img]<a class="vglnk" href=" ... -l1600.png[/img" rel="nofollow"><span>https</span><span>://</span><span>i</span><span>.</span><span>ebayimg</span><span>.</span><span>com</span><span>/</span><span>images</span><span>/</span><span>g</span><span>/</span><span>3XMAAOSwTaxjJNlO</span><span>/</span><span>s</span><span>-</span><span>l1600</span><span>.</span><span>png</span><span>[/</span><span>img</span></a>]
The firmware of this controller is not read out protected. It can easily read out by a STLinkV2.
It is not possible to attach a zip-file in this forum?

I've flashed the controller with a branch of the EBiCS firmware, it runs with a cheap and easy availabe M365 dashboard now.

<a class="vglnk" href=" ... leitegeier" rel="nofollow"><span>https</span><span>://</span><span>github</span><span>.</span><span>com</span><span>/</span><span>EBiCS</span><span>/</span><span>EBiCS</span><span>_</span><span>Firmware</span><span>/</span><span>tree</span><span>/</span><span>Pleitegeier</span></a>

Can you show me hoe you did that?
By Sc00tr
stancecoke wrote:
Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:22 pm
The firmware of this controller is not read out protected. It can easily read out by a STLinkV2.
It is not possible to attach a zip-file in this forum?

I've flashed the controller with a branch of the EBiCS firmware, it runs with a cheap and easy availabe M365 dashboard now. ... leitegeier

I don't think you can attach IP only image, you can post it somewhere else instead and link it though
long long title how many chars? lets see 123 ok more? yes 60

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