An Electric Scooter Community on a Mission to Stamp out Transportation Mediocrity.

What's happening in the world of dockless transportation
During the last 4 months at the course of MSc of Engineering in Sustainable Design at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, I have been part of an international team working on a project on the sustainability of electric scooters.

The goal of the research was to investigate and propose new e-scooter product design and business model strategies, as well as possible legislation, to make the tools more sustainable than they currently are in Copenhagen and thus unlock their full potential as an alternative urban mode of transport.

By using both quantitative and qualitative research methods, an in-depth exploration of riders’ practices in 5 different transit hubs in CPH, we were able to design solutions that can make this mode of transport more sustainable and integrated with the current infrastructure, and that can be of interest to both: the e-scooter companies and the municipality of Copenhagen.

The complete report is available upon request and after consultation with the team.

We would like to hear your thoughts about the 'hot' topic... (See attached image)

Kind Regards

Mikkel Brandt Hansen
Studying MSc of Engineering in Sustainable Design at Aalborg University Copenhagen

So the majority of the people here are about personal-use scooters. I own a shop in california USA and I used to be heavily involved with bird lime and other companies. I created alot of the systems and rules/protocals that bird uses to this day even. I was a supervisor for bird and startedas one of the first chargers quickly moving up through the ranks and became supervisor which allowed me to get an understanding from a ground ops perspective as well as management and eventually a riders perspective.
With covid happening the whole idea of shared anything is terrifying despite the risk levels not matching the worry levels. I personally have witnessed a company that flourished before covid have to close their doors and let all their employees go leaving them jobless with no warning. Covid threw a major curveball in how micro mobility is viewed. As a scooter sales and service center covid was about thw best thing that could have happened business wise. (Not saying I approve of the actual medicalcrisis) but when everyone who rode shared scooters became afraod to use then but still wanted to ride they quickly realized they were wasting so much money renting when they could just buy an equivalent scooter for around $300us and suddenly my custom scooter business couldnt handle the massive increase in demand. I had at one point before expansion a wait list of 400+ people and I am still deaing with steady new demand for custom scooters. So I think anything geared towards shared rentals is l8kely to be viewed with a bias against it due to covid. However making an affordable option that is government- sanctioned and even promoted or sponsered by local government for people to be able to buy a scooter for personal use wod not only be met with open arms but would also alleviate many of the major downsides and burdenz of dockets scooter rentals. No more parked scooters littering the streets no more worry about spread of covid 19 and no chargers going to war over scooters and money. Instead you have people who run an authorized servoce center and the public can charge their own scooters and when needed take them to service center for repairs. I could offer you such am option for the sales end of things by providing a high quality affordable scooter with a good reputation for being low maintenance and reliable for everyday use. I have several options available and of course bulk buys equals better pricing. Each scooter comes with warranty and I could help you open a service center that would be able to facilitate any repairs or maintenance needed. So you can get all the perks of fleet scooters without having the burdens that companies like bird or lime bring to local cities every day. So thats just my opinion and a potential option. Let me know what you think about this my email is please email your reply as opposed to replying on this forum. Regardlesa I wish you good luck and hope you consider my offer!

Hey people, I'm having problems with my Bird Zero […]

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For the battery indicator, it worked before. The[…]

How much could you pull max?